About Us

Our Production Capabilities

Improving your food production efficiency helps you manage costs, reduce waste, and maximise the use of raw materials.

From streamlining production to identifying your manufacturing partner, we are experts in helping you innovate – without compromising on taste, safety, nutrition or your bottom line.

Our Production Expertise

Scale-up and Commercialisation

Manufacturing Partner Selection

SOP Development

Project Management

We offer an A to Z solution to all your F&B business needs.

We have relevant experience with production technology and process manufacturing, our expertise enables us to understand production challenges. We fully master and take care of custom processing needs, providing you with the highest quality, most durable products and services available. The focus is providing a high level of added value to your F&B supply chain system.

At 360Foodsensmosis, we work to help companies optimise all your F&B processing system needs. Food is one of life’s greatest joys, enjoyment of food can be elevated when F&B supply chains infuse appreciation of food origins and the way food is prepared. Above all, we believe creating authentic food flavours takes both ‘art’ and ‘heart’. Besides having an intuitive sense of how ingredients work together to create unique flavours; dedication and integrity are also a must to ensure no detail is overlooked during the manufacturing process.

The F&B industry is heavily regulated with quality and process standards to help ensure the health and safety of consumers. We provide advice in the field of product development and end-to-end supply chain.

As a socially responsible company, we also believe in collaboration with industry practitioners to solve real world problems. We are passionate food advocates and we want to help the F&B industry gain a deeper understanding of the origins and cultural significance of food, so we can make something great together!